If you love makeup, this is the perfect post for you, the autumn season is my favorite, purple, burgundy, those autumn colors are perfect on any skin type, you can put on makeup like this at any time of the year but they are specially made for these last months of the year. If you just want to wear jeans and a t-shirt but don't want to look too simple, these makeups are the season's favorites, some are very subtle and others are super bold, full of shine, with strong and extravagant colors.

If simplicity is not your thing, you don't have to stop using daring makeup just because we can't go out as much as before, who said you can't makeup your eyes to go to the supermarket? Or to walk around the city? You always have to be ready for the photos that you can take at any time. My favorite palettes are anastasia eyeshadow palette, they are colorful, the pigmentation is perfect and the colors of her palettes can be used for any occasion you want, you just have to know how to use them.

The brown and red colors can be used in many ways, either in a subtle way like eyeliner or something more elaborate in the eyes with different tones, these colors combine perfectly with gold, black, orange, and warmer colors of the palette. You can use it intensely or just a little touch to add some color to your eyes during the day, to feel more arranged, don't let the quarantine take away your style, honey.

To discover styles I always go to pinterest, there are thousands and they are always spectacular, now there are videos on how to recreate them and I think I have never been so happy. I have practiced a lot during these last months to improve my technique and learn other things, always check out wholesale makeup they have good stuff.

Use this palette:

Use this palette:

Use this palette:

Use this palette:

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