Let's talk today, I can't see a person using thousands of clothing at the same time, just because it's Dolce & Gabbana, Prada our Miu Miu, and repel everyone around, including that taxi that was taking me home. I see many new bloggers, showing styles that are not of them, just to get people to notice their blog, my type of style that I like it is like a normal dress with a coat and a regular heels, really normal, just me, I know that I just have 18 but I just love how I look, my favorite is J.Crew.

There is nothing better than being weird, in my country what comes out of fashion that is what people use and makes a thousand copies of that, I buy most of my clothes online, I'm different, I live in a small town where most of the people buy the first thing that that everybody is buying in the store, you don't know how many times I would like run away from that place.

I can't change the style of that people, but I can make my own, away from all those things that everyone is using because the neighbor has it, sometimes my parents don't understand my style but nothing here is what I like , I would love to wear coats every day, I LOVE coats, but it is very hot here so I only use my varsity jacket.

Not so long ago I saw several girls starting blogs, and I will not say that the clothes were not cute, but she had too many clothes on, I was like girl, what are you doing? please don't, you're trying too much!! If you wanna look casual (to me haha) use those boots with a coat and a normal sweater with black pants, done! that makes a difference, and looks amazing, you don't have to use all the brands in one outfit darling.

Sooooo, tell me you have a friend like this? What do you think of that?


  1. Love your post, Asshly.
    People should wear whatever they want to wear, brands don't create an style but the person who wears them.


  2. great post Ash i really feel the sme way


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